Wednesday 31 October 2012


Ya Allah,,,Kau jagakan dia untukku,,,Kau peliharalah dirinya daripada sebarang kejahilan dunia,,,Cintaku seluas lautan untk dirinya~

Monday 8 October 2012

Graduate School

Hoii...penatnya naik turun aik turun GS ni...

4 kali naik GS x setel2x lg pasal pendaftaran...nak itu la..ini la..peningnya nak muntah kedarah!

Akhir2x ni rasa excited lebih nak menulis sbb bnyk benda yg ingn dikongsi...bukan untk dikongsi dngan sesapa,,,cuma ingin meluahkan apa yang terbuku dihati,,,it feels nice somehow.:)

Sunday 7 October 2012

~Smile is the best medicine for the pain!

The pain is not on the day of missing our dear ones. The pain is really when u live without them and with their presence in your mind.

 I'm lost!the word that can express myself today. I'm feels like dying.

Bangkitla bila jatuh bangun semula!!kena dengar lagu malique ft too phat hari2x.Barula rasa bersemangat all the time.huhu

no one to talk my feeling walau depan semua senyum2x tp hati sya menangis!sob3x


 life must go on...try hard to forget everything walau sesusah mana.go3x!

Beginnings are scary. Endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most.
live large!!!!!! gambate kodosoi~~~~!!!!!